Sunday, October 04, 2015

Cal for Proposals: Deadline 2 November 2015


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VASA Journal on Images and Culture

Call for Proposals:
The Photographic Book in Digital Times

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Proposal Deadline: Monday, November 2nd 2015 at 11:59 pm

The VASA Journal on Images and Culture is interested in proposals that address the potential and impact of the e-book – specifically photography and media e-books.  
Proposals may address issues related to the disappearance of the object (the book or the print), challenges, history and possibilities related to the evolution of the e-book.  VJIC is interested in manuscripts, examples, video talks, and downloadables that make an argument or take a position on the impact of e-books on aesthetics, forms of production and dissemination, and the shifting paradigm of control, bypassing the usual avenues of publication and dissemination.
Accepted proposals will be published in the VASA Journal on Images and Culture. VASA/VJIC currently has over 5,000 international members who will have the opportunity to view/read your published work.
Associate Editor: Mary Gold
For more information go to VJIC special theme proposals
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VASA is an online center for media studies
with a focus on photography and digital media arts.

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VASA Programs include Exhibitions, Journal on Images and Culture,
VASA Film Series, Witness Ukraine, Front Page,


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