Friday, May 02, 2014

Win $100 having fun!

From the School of Communications Dean's Office:

Here's a fun creative exercise to break through the stress of finals week.  It also offers students the chance to win a $100 gift card.

Brainstorm names under which any SOC communications agency or production house class could do work for clients. Currently, there are three classes that do work for real-world external clients:  ADVT Client Projects, PBRL Campaigns, VIDE Production House.  This is a real point of differentiation for our School in the marketplace.  Having a common name under which students do their work would allow us a broad banner under which to promote these great projects externally and on our SOC website.

(BTW, Here's a fun link from Ad Age that generates some totally bizarre names and always gets a few laughs in class:
(Give it a try.  What do you think of Epic Strategy Cannon or Transcendental Wig?))

Students should submit their names typed as a word document or in an email to
Susan Napoleon . The winner will be chosen by the faculty who teach the 3 classes, but any student can enter.


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