Thursday, February 02, 2017

Call for Work: Deadline 26 March 2017

Outrageous Fortune, the country’s first nationwide online literary magazine for and by undergraduates, is currently accepting submissions for our Fall issue. We accept all areas of work, including digital files such as video-recorded spoken word.  Each semester we look for fiction, non-fiction, drama, art, photography and poetry. As professors and department heads, we would greatly appreciate it if you let your undergraduates know about this opportunity to submit their work for publication.

While we operate on a rolling submissions basis, we’re accepting submissions under consideration for our Spring 2017 issue until March 26th. Please feel free to browse our website as well as our Submission Guidelines. We also encourage you to Like our Facebook Page for regular updates on the magazine and content.

We hope you spread the word to others in your department who would be interested and enjoy our previously published work!

Charity Kerrigan

Assistant Managing Editor


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