Thursday, June 27, 2013

Call for Work: Deadline 26 July 2013

She Speaks Art

Angelia Young and Craig Downs with Panther Creative Productions are pleased to present a Celebration of Women in the Arts in and around St Louis entitled She Speaks Art.

Artworks submitted for She Speaks Art, a juried exhibit, should explore art, wherein the context of the artwork is about the meaning of art in some way, i.e. physically, conceptually, emotionally, or any other interpretation. All interpretations, styles and techniques are encouraged. You are invited and encouraged to submit your artwork for this unique show celebrating women. This is work created BY women! Only female artists are accepted in this all women show. The show itself is open to everyone.

Space is limited; no more than 20 artists can be accepted. Presented at the Factory at 1128 Washington St, Downtown, Saint Louis MO. Exhibition dates: Mid Aug and exact date to be determined soon!

Submission Deadline – July 26, 2013
Acceptance Notification – Aug 2, 2013

Please read the following instructions very carefully. If you have any questions please send them via email to

  • All submitted images must be jpegs. If submitting more than one image send all images in one email to Total size of email cannot exceed the maximum of 25MB.
  • Only one image will be needed for flat art. You may send two images of 3-D works if you feel it is necessary.
  • Image files should be titled as such: lastname_first name_nameofpiece.jpg (i.e. doe_john_mypainting.jpg)
  • Your email should include the following: Your name, address, phone number, email address, the number of pieces submitted, name, media, size in inches and price of each piece.
  • There is no cost for submitting work. If your work is accepted there will be a $25 entry fee per artist payable in cash only at the time of drop-off.
  • All accepted work must be ready for display. All flat work must be framed with a wire across the back. Gallery Wrapped canvases need not be framed but must also have a wire across the back. No saw tooth hangers or other forms of hanging will be accepted. We will not pin or tape up work. If 3-D works require a pedestal, this will need to be provided by the artist.
  • Any work deemed difficult to install will not be accepted. Please note that we cannot hang work from the ceiling.
  • All accepted artwork must be dropped off and picked up in person. We cannot receive or send shipments of artwork. Drop-off and Pick-up dates will be provided at time of acceptance notification.
  • Neither Angelia Young nor The Factory will handle the sale of art. Each artist is responsible for managing the sale of their own work. No commission of such sales will be taken by Angelia Young or the The Factory; each artist will keep 100% of their sales.
Call for Display arts! If you want to display your table with your art, jewelry, pottery, etc, only 5 will be accepted! The entry fee is the same and it will be on a first come first serve basis!

QUESTIONS? Angelia Young, She Speaks Art,


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