Thursday, September 20, 2012

Career & Internship Fair, Thursday, September 27,

We are very excited to bring recruiters (some Webster University alumni) representing over 50 companies and organizations to campus.

   Career Services will be hosting our annual Career & Internship Fair, Thursday, September 27, 1:30-4:00 PM, University Center Gym.  Here is the link to view the list of employers attending. 

 This event is not just for seniors. There will be many employers ready to share information and discuss full-time, part-time, internship and volunteer opportunities. Encourage your students to attend whether they are freshmen, sophomores, juniors or graduating soon. 

 The Career Fair is an excellent opportunity for ALL students to gather career related information that relates to their major. This gives them the rare opportunity to meet one on one with a recruiter.  Seniors may be looking for full-time employment, but sophomores and juniors can find out about internships and co-ops. Freshmen can take the opportunity to talk with recruiters about the classes or experiences needed to prepare for a specific career. 

 Experience + Degree = Success after Graduation!
Click here for the Career Fair Information Checklist to help your students prepare for the event. Please forward to students via email or post on your electronic bulletin board.

Students can RSVP and see a list of employers attending by logging in to GorlokJobs (formally My Career Connection). If they don't have an account, just forward the instructions below:

How to create a GorlokJobs account?

1.  Go to the Career Services website at, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "GorlokJobs."

2.  Select "for students/alumni."

3.  Click on "Register" for a new account.

4.   Fill in ALL required fields and click "Submit."*

5.  You will then receive an email requiring you to verify your email address. Once you've verified your email address, you will receive your password.

6.  Please repeat steps 1-2 and log-in using your email address and new password.

7.   Once logged in click the Events tab, and then click on Webster University Career & Internship Fair.


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