Thursday, March 15, 2007

ASMP St. Louis: Thursday, 19 April 2007

Get Your DAM Stuff Together

An ASMP/It's Your Business event

On Thursday evening, April 19, Peter Krogh will present his successful seminar on digital asset management, “Get Your DAM Stuff Together.”

Meoli Studio, 5550 Fyler Avenue, St Louis, MO
April 19, evening presentation starts at 6:30 pm
Cost: $30 for ASMP members, $55 non-members

Register online at

Besides registering via our website, you can register by calling ASMP at (215) 451-2767, ext. 1203. Or you may download a registration form (PDF) and fax it to (215) 451-0880. Pre-registration must be received 2 days prior to event. Registration on the day of seminar is an additional $10.00.

The program

This is an expansion and enhancement of the popular Pixel Cash seminar. The session is presented by Peter Krogh, author of The DAM Book, Digital Asset Management for Photographers.

The evening program is a lecture-format presentation of the principles of digital asset management. Peter outlines how you can:
  • Create and use metadata
  • Set up naming conventions
  • Configure and implement affordable hardware solutions
  • Adjust your images efficiently
  • Use cataloging software to organize and proof your images
  • Make Adobe Bridge and iView MediaPro work together to streamline your image processing work.
Thanks to Adobe Systems for support and sponsorship of this program.


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