Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Calls for Work

Black & White magazine has created four new photo contests, collected under the title "Looking Back—Looking Forward." 

Vintage Images
Smartphone Photography
Alternative Printing Processes
Pinhole/Plastic Camera

Winners in each contest category will appear in a special dedicated section added to each regular issue. These contests represent a valuable opportunity to those of your students who aspire to careers as fine art photographers. The benefits to winners of our long-time Single Image and Portfolio contests speak for themselves.

• Black & White is one of the longest-running fine art photography magazines extant, having been launched in 1999, and enjoys wide esteem and circulation in the United States and abroad. It’s carried by Barnes & Noble bookstores and newsstands everywhere. We also promote our content on our Facebook and Issuu pages.

• Publication in the magazine has helped to launch and enhance the careers of numerous photographers who have submitted work to our Single Image and Portfolio contests. Exposure in our new contests will doubtless prove equally valuable.

• The contests will be open to amateur and professional photographers alike, and winning student submissions will be treated on the same level as all others—on their own merits.

• In recognition of the financial challenges students face, we offer them a special entry rate of $10 per photo submitted instead of the standard $15. However, student entries must by submitted through their college email system (edu) to be considered valid. 

Visit http://www.bandwmag.com/contest-info for more information on their contests.


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