Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dean Search Open Forum: Thursday, 1 December 2011

Help Us Pick The Next SOC Dean

As you may know, Dean Debra Carpenter is stepping down from her job as dean in June to return to the SOC faculty. A search committee has been created to locate and screen candidates for the next dean of the School of Communications. One of the first steps in this process is to get input from the school's various constituency groups. This input will be used to create a job description and provide guidance when candidates are screened and interviewed. Students like you are a very important part of the success of our school and we need your thoughts and suggestions about what qualities, attributes, and experience are preferred in the next dean of the school.

At noon, this Thursday, Dec. 1, in Sunnen Lounge we'll have an open forum for students to tell members of the search committee what they would like to see in the next dean. Please stop by and tell us what you think.

Members of the SOC Dean search committee come from all areas of the university. Representing the School of Communications on the committee are: Joe Schuster, chair and professor, Communications & Journalism Department, School of Communications; Jorge Oliver, chair and associate professor, Electronic/Photographic Media Department, School of Communications; Gary Ford, associate professor and director of Graduate Studies, Communications & Journalism Department, School of Communications; and Patty Senft, an undergraduate student.


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