ASMP St. Louis: Thursday, 10 May 2007

ASMP St. Louis will present a seminar by Chicago-based photography marketing consultant Carolyn Potts on Thursday, May 10. See her invitation below. Carolyn has many years of experience as a photographers' rep, and she will dispense invaluable information about market trends and client feeding habits. Check it out--you may think you already know this stuff, but it's changed since you last looked. We don't spend our lives researching the market... consultants do. Check out her website at Also, all details for this event are on our local website at Carolyn will also be offering private consultations and there are discounts for signing up early. See below for all details.
This event is being sponsored by AdBase and by liveBooks. Both offer great marketplace services to photographers, and we're happy to have their support. Please check out their websites and support our sponsors!
- Ever wonder how some photographers seem to have all the luck?
- How come they always seem get the assignments you KNOW you could have shot--and maybe even shot better?
- Is there some 'magic' that they've discovered that you haven't?
5:30 - doors open
6:00 - studio tour
7:00 - (sharp) seminar begins
Ferguson & Katzman studio
2745 Locust Street
Second Floor
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103
$20 for members, $20 for students, $40 for non-members
To Register for the talk please email jay [at]
- Do you want to make sure you're putting your best foot forward when presenting your work to an agency?
- Do you want to make sure you're not turning someone off by showing images that you shouldn't?
- Do you want to know if you're showing enough images---or too many?
Note: There are two remaining early-bird discounts which expire on May 5th and May 9th. For more information or to book a session call Carolyn directly at 312-560-6400. Details are at
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